Monday, January 05, 2015

Antenna research

I never thought I'd be installing an attic antenna in 2015 but there's a good volume of free HD TV just floating around out there.  

The government has a website: for checking what stations are available in our area.

In my area I'm looking at 20 channels plus some outliers:

Some of the links on Amazon list many more stations but these are all the ones that I care about.

I'm "cutting the cord"

Screw you Comcast....

After years of paying ridiculous monthly charges for a marginal product I'm getting rid of Comcast video and we're only going to have high speed internet.

I've been contemplating this for over a year and now that the Disney Channel isn't our primary channel I can make the change.

Step 1: Purchase a phone service from  They have a great deal for VoIP (digital voice service). You purchase the Ooma Telo device for $138 and your monthly charges are $3.81 which covers e911 and federal taxes.  You get all the basic telco features voicemail, call forwarding etc.

Step 2: Purchase your own modem. Comcast makes millions renting outdated hardware. I found this new Arris/Motorola modem for $89. It has 4,179 4-star reviews on Amazon so it's a fairly safe bet I'll be happy with it.

Step 3: Purchase an HD OTA antenna. "OTA" stands for over the air that's the local channels. I'm still researching an antenna. I plan to install it in my attic.